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Best Pirate Scope (Nautical Scope) for Kids

Halloween is just around the corner and kids all across the United States can barely contain their excitement for their beloved Trick or Treat holiday. This week is all about picking out the perfect Halloween costume and accessories to match; after all, trick-or-treaters with creative costumes get the most candy, and this is what every kid wants on that evening. One of the coolest costumes for children, both boys and girls, is a pirate costume, complete with a nautical pirate scope to make the look completely authentic. Not to mention that this first scope could even spark up a life-long passion for astronomy and serve as only the first step in your child’s interest in serious telescopes.

A pirate costume and telescope is a wonderful way to make your child feel great on Halloween and stuff up his pumpkin basket with his or her favorite treats. While a pirate costume might be easy to find, a pirate scope (also known as a nautical telescope) might be a bit trickier. Thankfully you have quite a few options at hand to find the best scope for kids, based on criteria like quality, budget and design. If you are looking for a telescope toy for your child this month, take a look at our list of 5 Best Pirate Scope (Nautical Scope) for Kids below and help your loved one have a Happy Halloween!

6″ Solid Brass Handheld Telescope – Nautical Pirate Spy Glass with Wood Box

6" Solid Brass Handheld Telescope - Nautical Pirate Spy Glass with Wood BoxFor the parent on a budget, the best pirate scope for their child could be the 6″ Solid Brass Handheld Telescope – Nautical Pirate Spy Glass with Wood Box. The toy telescope is a total of 6 inches long, it retracts to approximately 3 inches and it weighs roughly 8 ounces. It comes with a wooden box for storage, embellished with a gold anchor logo on front. The pirate telescope is sold by RedSkyTrader and ranks in at #5 in the “Telescopes” category for toys, games, learning, education and science on Amazon and it is made entirely from brass. The magnification range of the pirate scope is around 3x and it is recommended for children age 10 years or higher. Its general rating on Amazon is 4.0 out of 5 stars and most customers are highly pleased with their purchase, especially considering the budget at hand. Currently, this pirate scope enjoys a 47% discount, making it $9.99 instead of its original price of $18.95. If you purchase other products from the seller ($35 and above), you also benefit from free shipping, and there are also gift-wrap services available if you want to offer it as a present.

15″ Handheld Brass Telescope with Leather Case – Nautical Collector

15" Handheld Brass Telescope with Leather Case - Nautical CollectorAs opposed to the first pirate scope we presented, this one comes with a leather case instead of a wooden box. It is one of the best scopes for children ages 8 and up and would be a fine addition to your kid’s Halloween costume this year. The 15″ Handheld Brass Telescope with Leather Case – Nautical Collector is hand-crafted in India from brass. It has a full length of 15 inches and it can retract to the size of the leather case it comes with. An advantage it has over the first pirate scope in our list is that it has a magnification of 12x, as opposed to just 3x. Its design is inspired by old-fashioned telescoped and it can be used by adjusting the eyepiece once you have extended it completely. Unfortunately, this particular pirate scope has a slightly less favorable general rating on amazing, with an average of 3.7 out of five stars. Customers recommend the product as an accessory for a costume, but some mention that it breaks in a short period of time after their purchase. An advantage is that orders are delivered promptly; one customer stated that she received her product three days after she ordered it. The price for this pirate scope is currently $16.03 + $6.95 shipping on Amazon.

15″ Handheld Brass Telescope with Wooden Box: Nautical Pirate Scope Toy

15" Handheld Brass Telescope with Wooden Box: Nautical Pirate ScopeWhile this pirate scope and the one we described above both are fifteen inches long, their main difference is the case the product comes with. The 15″ Handheld Brass Telescope with Wooden Box: Nautical Pirate Scope Toy comes with a wooden box in a nautical theme and is said to be “very lightweight and easy to store and handle”, according to customer reviews. The manufacturers explain that it can be adjusted according to distance and there is also gift-wrap available on request. Like in the case of the product we described above, this pirate scope has a general rating of 3.7 out of 5 stars from customers. Although the product is recommended for children ages 6 and up, one customer mentions that their “4 year old loves this toy and plays with it daily”. Nevertheless, if you choose this product for a younger child, please provide adult supervision at all times. This pirate scope is currently 60% off ($17.95 instead of $42.95) and you can get free shipping if your order is above $35 from the Amazon seller.

Replica Antique Brass Telescope Antique Finish and Leather Case

Replica Antique Brass TelescopeAntique Finish and Leather CaseIf you truly want to take your kid’s Halloween costume to the next level, consider the Replica Antique Brass Telescope Antique Finish and Leather Case. While the product might be a bit more expensive than the other ones we mentioned on our list so far, the design really is worth the extra dollars. It is a Galilean telescope handcrafted from solid brass and with an antique finish and comes with a lens cap leather carrying case. Its magnification is 12x and it generally enjoys positive reviews on Amazon, with an average of 4.5 out of 5 stars. Among the advantages highlighted by customers we can find: “a solid feel to it”, “it looks exactly like the photo advertises”, “it looked and felt antique”, “the scope looks authentic, and the child for whom we purchased it was thrilled”, and so on. Like in a few other situations we mentioned, you can get free shipping if you order at least $35 worth of products from this Amazon seller.

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